The Choices We Make

The other day my children wanted to go to the park to play with a friend.  Typically, when I take them I also take our thirteen-year-old German Shorthair for a walk.  This is a good multi-tasking event for me.  I am currently reading a book about raising boys and as...

Relish It!

Winning the lottery, being uprooted by a natural disaster, and terrorist attacks are rare occurrences that result in an immediate and drastic change.  Most change in life is less drastic and far more insidious.  People don’t go to bed one day 150 lbs and wake up...

How Much?

Many people are on an endless path of more.  More weight loss, more money, more time off, just simply more.  When asked how much they really need they typically give some sort of mumble and ultimately don’t know.  Most people never figure out what is enough and...

Give Space

According to Zach Bush MD, “you are made of atoms that are 99.999% vacuum space. Only 0.001% of human tissue and the earth is actually solid.”Whoa!This is worth paying attention to.  All of that empty space is there for a reason, we may not know what that...

Nail It, Scale It, Sail It (Part 3)

You have nailed it.You have scaled itNow you can sail it!Take that beautiful boat of yours on open water.  As anybody who has sailed a boat knows it is not all fun and games.  Accountability and ResponsibilitySomebody has to steer the ship, somebody has to fix the...