Life Enhancing Habits (Habit 4)

We are faced with and make hundreds of decisions per day. What’s for dinner? Do I workout or go home? Do I buy a latte? There’s an endless onslaught of choices to make. The better you have defined your identity the less you will have to think about the...

Life Enhancing Habits (Habit 5)

You don’t need to be and will never be perfect. You will have the best intentions to… Workout for an hour every day and then something comes up or you’re too tired. Get to bed at 9:00 every night and then a dinner party lasts too long. Or any number...

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Measuring and tracking when used correctly and viewed as a tool our extremely valuable. When you view data as something more than a tool it will cause issues. An example of this is the data you get from weighing yourself daily. A scale is a tool and the number it...

It Takes a Village

Can you name one thing you do 100% on your own? Brush your teeth you may say. Well, do you make the toothbrush? Does the company that sells the toothbrush actually make the toothbrush? Does the company that makes the toothbrush make its component parts? Does the...