Shot in the Arm

Lists to Live By – List 3: Wealth

  Ah, wealth…what is there to say…we all want it…and very few of us if any THINK we have enough of it.There are many types of wealth, and for today’s list, I am strictly speaking of the financial variety.Zig Ziglar, “money is not...

Lists to Live By – List 2: Optimal Health

What do health, money, fitness, and food all have in common?Any guesses?We generally don’t pay much attention to them until we don’t have them.Today, let’s look at a list and a way of staying on top of the said list for maintaining our health.First,...

Can You Create Luck?

The universe, when combined with your subconscious mind, can accomplish extraordinary things.  However, just like any tool, we must know how to use it, practice using it, and allow the required time for the project to come together.I believe luck is the universe...

Three People Walk Into a Bar…

Three people walk into a bar.Harry immediately walks up to the bartender and orders a beverage.  Juliet stops just inside the door and appears to be taking it all in.Hanz starts a conversation with a woman sitting by herself at the bar. As the night goes...

I Am Convinced…

Thousands of people have trained with me over the years, and there is one thing in common with the successful ones. Any guesses?You may say “hard work,” and although some of them work hard, this is not always the case.  Hard work rarely results in the...

Fight to the Death?

In times of crisis, it helps to know what matters.  Knowing what matters enables you to make decisions faster and ruthlessly.  We are in a time of need for this type of decision making. What do you believe in so much that you would die defending...