Catching a Greased Pig…

How many times have you done something perfectly the first time?And if, on the off-chance you have, what are the chances it was due to luck, not skill?Yet, you likely still think things should be perfect the first time, and so do I.When we onboard new coaching...

How Much?

It’s Monday!Monday is a special day.You get to start anew on Monday.You have a brand new week ahead of you with loads of promise and opportunity.You have the most discipline on Monday. So, Monday is a perfect day to ATTACK.Stack your Monday with productive, goal...

That Sounds A Lot Like Work…

Over the past several months…I have started to dive into the intricacies of using Instagram for business…Researching and learning the complexities of real estate…And, along with my wife, implemented new educational programs for our boys.All of the...

Hey You, Listen up!

YOU!  Yeah, I am talking to you!Get up and get going.Do what you yearn to do.Do what you were put on Earth to do.Do what calls you…what speaks to you.The world, as we know it, is disintegrating, evaporating, burning, and morphing into something new.  Now, is the...

If You Don’t Have This…

When was the last time you did something completely, 100% on your own? I’ll help you out…   NEVER!All the way back to our parents conceiving and birthing us, we do nothing 100% on our own. So, why fight it?  Why don’t you lean into it?Many of us...