I have spent most of my life driving myself crazy in pursuit of “best”?

Chasing “best” is often an exercise in futility.

I’ve learned…am still learning and have to remind myself daily that…

…better is the only way to get to best.

I cannot control my competitors.

I cannot control the environment.

I cannot control circumstance or luck.

Being the best is a combination of any number of factors of which only one I control.

Being better today than I was yesterday.

That’s it.

More specifically working towards being better.

When I focus on making myself better and don’t fret about things out of my control a few things happen.

1.  I feel better about my life.

2.  I  progress faster.

When I measure my progress against myself it is motivating.

When I measure my progress against the best in the world it is demotivating.

3.  I focus on what I need to get better at and what my strengths are instead of what others are focusing on and what their strengths are.

In the end being the best is cool along with also short lived.

Being better today than yesterday is endless and infinitely fulfilling.

I still strive to be the best.

However, I know that focusing on better instead of best seems to be, for me at least, a more enjoyable way to live.

Brett “Better” Denton