Remodeling one’s body is akin to remodeling one’s house.

We are getting our marketing materials together for our Kvell Eagle promotion. Part of this promotion is the use of before and after pictures to show that what we do works The thing about before and after pictures is that they don’t tell the whole story.

Longer and Shorter
Just like house remodeling one’s body typically takes a lot longer than one hopes, thinks, or is told by the contractor/coach. On the flip side if you just get to doing the required work the remodeling will go much faster than you think.

You Will Run Into Issues
Once you start remodeling you will invariably uncover hidden issues be it a hack job by the last contractor that you have to fix on your house or strength, mobility, and technique challenges with your body.

You Will Want to Quit
You will reach points in your journey where you just want to throw up your hands and walk away from the project. Maybe you decide it is easier and cheaper to move to a new house versus remodel the one you already have, even though you are already halfway through the remodel. Maybe you want to start a new program because the current one is getting “boring” or “too hard” or “not getting results fast enough” even though you are halfway to your desired remodel.

Before and after pictures are okay, but they don’t show the sacrifices made. They don’t give an accurate account of what it takes to achieve the results in the pictures. They give an imaginary timeline for most people. They are the equivalent of a highlight real or greatest hits album. They often give false hopes and are demotivating.

Further, they don’t show the internal changes, the strength changes, the mental changes, the improvements in wellbeing, mood, and confidence. They do not show the change in inches or energy. They do no show the improvements in athleticism and an improved ability to play with your kids or run a race or ski.

Before and after pictures are literally nothing more than a snapshot in time showing nothing more than a snapshot of the physical changes on the surface.

So although before and after pictures are valuable (especially for the person who looks in the mirror every day) they do not tell the whole story.

Kvell’s best transformations have not been from 6-week challenges (although we have some impressive ones). Our best transformations have been from years of effort, multiple challenges, and consistency focused on changing lifestyle habits and rebuilding a foundation resulting in dramatic physical, mental, and emotional change.

Don’t let before and after pictures fool you.

– You can do it.
– Remodeling takes longer and shorter than you may think or be lead to believe.
– You will be challenged and run into issues.
– You will want to quit. Don’t.

Brett “Before and After Lifestyles” Denton